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Otuchat: A Messenger App with Integrated Payment and Transaction Features

Otuchat: A Messenger App with Integrated Payment and Transaction Features

Radi Rusadi / December 3, 2020


Otuchat is a feature-rich messenger application that goes beyond simple communication. It offers integrated payment and transaction features, allowing users to transfer money and purchase mobile top-ups (Pulsa) directly within the app.

Development Process

Throughout the development of Otuchat, I contributed to several key features that enhanced the app's functionality:

  • Profile Update Feature: Enabled users to update their profile information seamlessly.
  • Native Module Access: Integrated access to native modules like the camera and gallery, enriching the user experience.
  • QR Code Generator: Developed a QR code generation feature for easy sharing and transactions.
  • Bug Fixes and Improvements: Continuously improved the app’s stability and performance.

Technology Stack

Otuchat leverages a variety of open-source technologies to deliver a robust and user-friendly experience:


Through the development and continuous improvement of Otuchat, we have created a versatile application that not only facilitates communication but also empowers users with convenient payment and transaction features.